Paisanos : a folklore miscellany /
GO 25
Abernethy, Francis Edward
Paisanos : a folklore miscellany / edited by Francis Edward Abernethy ; line drawings by Linda Miller Roach. - 1st ed. - Austin : The Encino Press, 1978. - 180 p. : ill. ; 24 cm. - Publications of the Texas Folklore Society ; no. 41 . - Publications of the Texas Folklore Society ; no. 41. .
Includes bibliographical references.
The paisano's cactus corral / J. Frank Dobie -- The anasazi / John Neal Phillips -- Harm and the bear / Carolyn M. Smyrl -- "I remember things" / Ross Estes -- Maime Tobar's tales of treasure / as told by Gertrude Bluntzer to Ruth G. Wright -- Plantin' by the moon / Bill Brett -- Going to press in Alto / Ben F. Hobbs -- The petrified lovers of Pecos : vintage yellow journalism / Wilma Roberts -- All the news in fits of print : an examination of Nigerian newspaper headlines / Bernth Lindfors -- Names are news / C. Richard King -- Minstrelsy at the marketplace : Or, what the travelling Texan found for entertainment in Ante-Bellum New Orleans / Peter M. Stephan -- Country store / Nancy Wells -- The bachelor heater / Archer Fullingim -- Ticks on catfish / Ann Miller Carpenter -- Fact and fiction in three Lomax outlaw songs / Lawrence Clayton -- Home and farm remedies and charms in a German manuscript from a Texas ranch / Christine Boot -- Sunday's cock fight / Francis Edward Abernethy -- Talking and touching : a function of storytelling / Faye Leeper -- The pet rock in American folklore / Olivia Murrey Nichols -- The driver's license : emblem of a modern rite of passage / Leslie M. Thompson --The ethological approach to folklore / Francis Edward Abernethy -- Publishers of Texas folklore / Willie Earl Tindall and Lee Sullenger