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Your search returned 4 results.

The silver bow : the fiddle music of Shetland / featuring Tom Anderson & Aly Bain. by
Material type: Music Music; Literary form: ; Audience: General;
Publisher number:
  • TSCD 469 Topic Records
Publication details: Topic Records, 1993
Availability: Items available for reference: VWML: Reference only (1)Location, call number: Storage SCD 134.
Scotland : Shetland folk music / Tom Anderson by
Material type: Music Music; Literary form: ; Audience: General;
Publisher number:
  • 13198 BBC
Publication details: BBC, 1949
Availability: Items available for reference: VWML: Reference only (1)Location, call number: Storage SAD 196.
Shetland folk fiddling, vol 2 : Tom Anderson, Aly Bain, Willie Johnson, Violet Tulloch / Tom Anderson, Aly Bain by
Material type: Music Music; Literary form: ; Audience: General;
Publisher number:
  • 12 TS 379 Topic Records
Publication details: Topic Records, 1978
Availability: Items available for reference: VWML: Reference only (1)Location, call number: Storage SAD 2672.
The silver bow : Shetland folk fiddling, vol. 1 / Tom Anderson, Aly Bain by
Material type: Music Music; Literary form: ; Audience: General;
Publisher number:
  • TS 281 Topic Records
Publication details: Topic Records, 1976
Availability: Items available for reference: VWML: Reference only (2)Location, call number: Storage SAD 2728, ...