MPS 50 (21)

Carmichael, Alexander

Carmina Gadelica, volume lll : hymns and incantations, with illustrative notes on words, rites, and customs, dying and obsolete / orally collected in the Highlands and islands of Scotland and translated into English by Alexander Carmichael. - Edinburgh : Oliver and Boyd, 1940. - 395 p. : : ill. ; 24 cm.

Gaelic and English on opposite pages. Half-title: Carmina gadelica; ortha nan Gaidheal. Vols. 1-2 first issued in a limited edition, 1900; 2d ed. edited by Mrs. Elizabeth Carmichael Watson, 1928. vols. 3-4, a continuation of the work, translated and edited by James Carmichael Watson from the author's unfinished manuscripts, published 1940-41. Vol. 5 edited by Angus Matheson.