SAD 4602 Sound Library All buttoned up - Topic Records, 1981. - 1 sound disc : analog, 33 1/3 rpm

Sound disc, analog. Musical instruments: Bass, dulcimer, mandola, washboard, bagpipes, recorder, crumhorn, rauschpfeife, harmonica, melodeon, concertina, guitar.

Side A: 1. Polkas: Donkey Riding, Buffalo Girls -- 2. Hornpipes: Prtabello, Briggham -- 3. Song, Waltz: Berger, Bergere, Bourree Berrichonne -- 4. Jigs: Tit For Tat, Princess Amelia's Birthday -- 5. Schottisches: Mon Reve, William Irwin's Quickstep -- Side B: 1. Polkas: The Cockade, Corn Riggs, The Twin Sisters -- 2. Schottisches: Ltrigg Side, The Dorsetshire Hornpipe -- 3. Song: Needle Cases -- 4. Jigs: A Trip To Shorts, Lewis Castle -- 5. The End: Huzza, Cock and Bull.
