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The book of ballads /

MPS 50

Vess, Charles

The book of ballads / by Charles Vess. - 1st ed. - New York : Tom Doherty Associates, 2004. - 192 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.

Introduction / Terri Winding -- The false knight on the road / Neil Gaiman -- King Henry / Jane Yolen -- Thomas the rhymer / Sharyn McCrumb -- Barbara Allen / Midori Snyder -- The three lovers / Lee Smith -- Tam-Lin / Elaine Lee -- The daemon lover / Delia Sherman -- Twa corbies / Charles de Lint -- Sovay / Charles de Lint -- The galtee farmer / Jeff Smith -- Alison Gross / Charles Vess -- The black fox / Emma Bull -- The great silkie of Sule Skerry / Jane Yolen -- Discography notes / Ken Roseman -- Contributors.