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An analysis of country dancing : wherein all the figures used in that polite amusement are rendered familiar by engraved lines; containing also, directions for composing almost any number of figures to one tune, with some entire new reels; together with the complete etiquette of the ball-room /

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Wilson, Thomas (Dancing master)

An analysis of country dancing : wherein all the figures used in that polite amusement are rendered familiar by engraved lines; containing also, directions for composing almost any number of figures to one tune, with some entire new reels; together with the complete etiquette of the ball-room / by T. Wilson. - 2nd ed. - London : Printed by W. Calvert, for the author, 1811. - 192 p. : ill. ; 17 cm.

First published in 1808.

2179 3028 10373 F002

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