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R2 rock 'n' reel

Material type: Continuing resourceContinuing resourceAnalytics: Show analyticsPublication details: Cleator Moor : Terra Nova Magazines,ISSN:
  • 09643257
Summary: Timespan: 2000s, 2010s.Holdings: 2(15), May/June 2009 - 2(46), July/August 2014; 2(50), March/April 2015; 2(55), January/February 2016; 2(58), July/August 2016 - 2(60), November/December 2016; 2(62), March/April 2017; 2(65) (20/11/2017) Continues: Rock 'n' reel IIContinued by: RnR
Holdings: Periodicals

Issues are kept off-site. 3-4 working days notice needed for retrieval. Contact a member of staff.

Title changed to RnR from May/June 2017, see new record.

Timespan: 2000s, 2010s.

Geographic coverage: England, National. International.

Location: Off-site storage.
