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Engelske, Skotske og Irske folke sange og melodier, samlede og udsatte for pianoforte = English, Scotch and Irish popular songs and melodies, collected and arranged for the pianoforte /

By: Material type: ScoreScoreSeries: Folke-sange og melodier, faedrelandske og fremmede, samlede og udsatte for pianoforte af A. P. Berggreen ; vol. 4Publication details: Kjobenhavn [Copenhagen] : C. A. Reitzels Forlag, 1862.Description: 186 p. : ill., musicSubject(s):
Item type Home library Shelving location Class number Status Barcode
Books Books VWML Off-site storage (3-4 working days needed to retrieve). MPS 60 (Browse shelf(Opens below)) Reference only (3-4 working days notice needed. Contact a member of staff.) 4094

Second edition

Danish and English
