Vierundzwangsteljahrsschrift der internationalen maultrommelvirtuosengenossenschaft
MI 45 f Off-site storage
Crane, Frederick
Vierundzwangsteljahrsschrift der internationalen maultrommelvirtuosengenossenschaft - Iowa City VIM 1982 - 1-68, 381-408 p. ill., music
Editorial -- Die Schlesischen maultrommel-künstler -- Summary: The Silesian jew’s harp artists / Rudolf Henning -- Jew’s (jaw’s? jeu? jeugd? gewgaw? juice?) harp / Frederick Crane -- A shaker notice of the jew’s harp / Daniel W. Patterson -- The great jew’s harp hunt of 1954 / Brian L. Mihura -- How should the jew’s harp part of ‘Washington’s birthday’ be played? / Frederick Crane -- The jew’s harp in colonial America / Brian L. Mihura -- An ode addressed to a young lady’s jew’s harp / ‘Windsor’ -- Einige bemerkungen zur echtheit der Bruno-Glatzl-bildnisse / F. X. Kügerl -- Record review / Rudolf Henning -- The recordings of John Wright / Frederick Crane -- A checklist of long-playing records with jew’s harp music
A single issue of a journal on Jew's harp. It was intended to be the first issue of a journal about the jew’s harp published at irregular intervals; by 1998 there had been seven issues published. The library only holds this issue.