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Melodinje narodnih igara : za viojinu i pevanje / Ljubitsa S. Jankovich
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QR 10 (74) Narodne igre / | QR 10 (74) Dancing for the dead in Jugoslavia / | QR 10 (74) Some of the publications on folk dances of the sisters Ljubica & Danica S. Jankovic | QR 10 (74) Melodinje narodnih igara : za viojinu i pevanje / | QR 10 (74) Tsrnogorsko oro u Tsrmnitsi / | QR 10 (75) Dances of Yugoslavia / | QR 10 (75) Mađarske narodne igre iz Vojvodine |
Translation of title: Melodies of folk dances : for violin and singing..
"Dopunska zbirka narodnih mejodija za knjugu Narodne Igre 1, skupile i opisale Ljubitsa i Danitsa S. Jankovich, Beograd 1934 " -- T.p.
Translation: Supplementary collection of folk tunes for the book Narodne Igre 1, collected and described by Ljubitsa and Danitsa S. Jankovich, Belgrade 1934
Text in Serbian.